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What Happens To My SSDI Benefits When My Child Turns 18 Years Old?

What Happens To My SSDI Benefits When My Child Turns 18?

If you are disabled and you receive Social Security Disability Insurance1 (SSDI) benefits for your disability, your dependent family members, including your children and spouse, may qualify for additional benefits as well. These are often called auxiliary or dependent benefits. Each month, the Social Security Administration pays benefits to millions of children across the country …

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Do Illinois Teachers Get Social Security Retirement?

If you are a teacher who lives in Illinois, you may be at the beginning of your career, approaching retirement, or anywhere in between. Regardless of where you find yourself on this spectrum, you may have questions about what retirement benefits you may be eligible for, including whether or not you can receive retirement benefits …

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Does Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Qualify For Disability Benefits In Indiana?

Does Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Qualify For Disability Benefits In Indiana?

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a serious condition that involves mental and physical defects that affect the babies of women who consume alcohol while pregnant. It is a condition that may cause stunted growth, impaired cognitive functioning, a damaged nervous system, various physical deformities, behavioral problems, heart abnormalities, and various other difficulties. Most people are diagnosed …

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When Will I Receive My Social Security Check Disability This Month?

When Will I Receive My Social Security Check This Month?

If you are disabled and you receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration, those benefits are probably an important source of financial security and stability while you are unable to work. Understandably, you may have come to rely upon those benefits, which may be an important part of your monthly budget. As a result, …

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How Do I Find My Estimated Social Security Benefit?

How Do I Find My Estimated Social Security Benefit?

For many disabled individuals across the country, disability benefits from the Social Security Administration are an essential source of financial stability and security. If you are struggling with a disability, you may be considering the possibility of filing for disability benefits. If so, you might wonder what the process is like and how much you …

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How Much Money Can You Earn While On Social Security?

How Much Money Can You Earn While On Social Security?

If you receive Social Security disability benefits, you likely want to ensure that you continue to keep those benefits. For many people who are unable to work, these benefits are an essential source of financial support and can relieve a tremendous amount of stress. While this is true, it’s also understandable to wonder if there …

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Is Social Security Disability Giving Extra Money This Month?

Is Social Security Disability Providing Extra Payments This Month?

Millions of people rely on disability benefits through the Social Security Administration to get by each month. If you’re one of them, news of a Social Security disability extra payment giving you more money certainly would be welcome. The folks at GCC Law Firm want to set the record straight about news from Social Security …

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How Much Does Mental Health Disability Pay?

How Much Does Mental Health Disability Pay?

A common misconception about a disability preventing a person from working and earning the money needed to support themselves is that it’s a physical impairment. Mental health impairments can be just as disabling, so they are included in conditions covered by federal disability programs. The Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income programs provide …

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How To File A Disability Benefits Claim In Illinois

How To File A Disability Benefits Claim In Illinois

When a disabling medical condition prevents you from working, knowing how to file a disability benefits claim in Illinois could help you avoid financial hardship. Disability benefit programs through the Social Security Administration provide monthly cash payments and access to medical insurance through Medicare or Medicaid. You must meet eligibility requirements, including having medical records documenting …

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