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The Importance of Your Doctor in the Disability Claims Process in Arkansas

Do you have an injury, illness, or other medical condition that keeps you from working? If so, you may be entitled to receive disability benefits through Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Both federal disability programs are administered by the SSA. 

To successfully apply for disability benefits, you will need comprehensive medical documents and records. In other words, your doctor plays a key role in the process. Here, our Arkansas Social Security disability lawyers explain how your doctor can help you get SSD benefits. 


Know the Role of Your Doctor in the Social Security Disability Claims Process

Getting Social Security disability benefits requires establishing both your medical and legal eligibility. A doctor plays a very important role in helping to prove that you are medically qualified for benefits. Here are the three main ways that your physician can help support your Social Security disability claim: 

    1. You Need Comprehensive Medical Records: As a starting point, your doctor helps to produce the medical documents and records that you will need to prove the existence and severity of your injury, illness, or disabling health condition. To ensure that you are in the best position to get your claim approved, you should openly share the fact that you are preparing to apply for SSD benefits with your treating physician(s). 
    2. The SSA Reviews Written Statements from Physicians: Your doctor can submit a written statement to the SSA. In assessing an applicant’s medical eligibility for disability benefits, the SSA has the authority to review written statements from physicians. A written statement is particularly valuable if you are dealing with a complex or unusual disability, such as those not listed in the agency’s ‘Blue Book.’    
    3. Supplemental Support Can Be Provided During an Appeal: Unfortunately, many people struggle to get their SSD benefits. According to data from the Social Security Office of Retirement and Disability Policy, around two-thirds of initial disability claims are denied. If you need to file an appeal to get your Social Security disability benefits in Arkansas, your doctor can help your case by providing supplemental information, evidence, or written statements to use during the appeal process. 

Social Security disability claims can be complicated—especially if you are having trouble finding the right doctor or organizing your medical records. If you have specific questions or concerns about doctors and disability claims, do not hesitate to reach out to an experienced Arkansas Social Security disability lawyer for guidance and support.  

Call Our Arkansas SSDI & SSI Attorneys for a Free Consultation

At GCC Law Firm, our Arkansas Social Security disability attorneys have a passion for client service. If you have any questions about medical evidence and disability claims, we can help. Contact our legal team at (479) 340-0002 for your free, no-obligation initial consultation. With a legal office in Rogers, we provide disability law services throughout the region, including in Carroll County, Washington County, Benton County, Madison County, Newton County, and Crawford County.