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Can You Get SSDI Benefits for Asthma in Fayetteville, Arkansas?

Asthma is one of the most common health impairments reported in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describes asthma as a “disease that affects your lungs. It causes repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing.” Asthma can be mild, moderate, severe, or completely debilitating.

This raises an important question: Can you get SSDI benefits for asthma? The answer is ‘yes’—but you will not automatically qualify for benefits. You must prove that your asthma is severe enough to be disabling. Here, our Fayetteville, AR Social Security Disability attorney explains the most important things to know about filing for SSDI benefits for asthma in Arkansas.

Social Security Disability Listing: Asthma

Asthma can qualify for Social Security disability benefits. In fact, asthma is a listed condition in the SSA’s Blue Book section in respiratory disorders. To qualify for Social Security disability benefits based on Disability Evaluation Under Social Security: 3.03, an applicant must prove:

  1. Hospitalization at least three different times for complications related to asthma within a twelve-month period; or
  2. A functional lung rate (FEV1) is materially low on age, sex, and height-adjusted basis.

These are strict and relatively narrow requirements. Only a limited number of people with severe asthma can qualify for SSDI benefits based on the listing.

Some Applicants May Qualify Based On a Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) Assessment

Even if you are unable to meet the listing for asthma, you may still qualify for Social Security disability benefits if you have disabling asthma in Fayetteville. If you were officially diagnosed with severe asthma by your doctor and you have been deemed medically incapable of working in certain job positions, you may benefit from having a residual functional capacity (RFC) assessment completed on your behalf. In some cases, you can qualify for SSD benefits for asthma based on an RFC assessment.

You Must Meet Technical Requirements to Qualify for SSDI Benefits 

There are both medical and technical requirements that must be satisfied to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. Beyond meeting the medical requirements listed in Blue Book Section 3.03 or proving disability based on an RFC assessment, an applicant for SSDI benefits must establish that they have a long enough work history (based on age) to qualify as insured through the program. If you do not have an adequate work history, you cannot bring an SSDI claim. Though, you may still qualify for disability benefits through SSI. An experienced Social Security disability attorney can help you navigate medical and technical requirements.

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Fayetteville Social Security Disability Lawyer Today

At GCC Law Firm, our Fayetteville Social Security disability attorneys are skilled, results-driven advocates for families in need. If you have any questions about social security disability insurance-related issues, we can help. Call us now or contact us online to arrange a no-cost, no-commitment review of your case. Our Social Security disability firm provides SSDI and SSI representation in Fayetteville, Washington County, and Northwest Arkansas.