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What Can I Do If My Social Security Disability Claim Was Denied in Arkansas?

Social Security disability (SSD) benefits are supposed to prove a financial lifeline to people and families in need. They are critically important for many people with serious injuries, chronic illnesses, and other impairments in Northwest Arkansas. Yet, many SSDI claims are denied. The

Social Security Administration (SSA) Annual Data for Disability Denial states that two-thirds of initial SSDI claims are denied. If your Social Security disability claim was denied, you have the right to appeal. Here, our Arkansas Social Security disability attorney explains four key steps that you should take if your SSDI claim is denied in Arkansas.

Review and Save the Disability Denial Letter From the SSA

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has to follow a particular process when awarding and denying disability benefits. If the SSA decides to deny an SSDI claim, then the agency is legally required to send the applicant a written denial letter. The denial letter should:

  • State that the claim is being denied;
  • Provide a brief explanation of the reasoning; and
  • Clarify the deadline to appeal the decision.

You should carefully review the denial letter for the SSA&rsquo’s reasoning. When you file a Social Security disability appeal, you need to address that reasoning directly in your response. An Arkansas Social Security disability appeals lawyer can help you understand the meaning of the denial letter.

Carefully Organize All Financial and Medical Records

Once you have received an SSDI denial letter from the SSA, your next step is getting together all of the information that you will need to support your appeal. The more information that you have, the easier it will be to bring a strong claim. You should carefully gather and prepare all financial and medical records related to your case.

Get Professional Support—Call an Arkansas SSDI Appeal Lawyer

SSDI appeals are complicated. You do not have to try to go up against the agency on your own. A top-rated Arkansas Social Security disability attorney can review your denial letter, assess the evidence that you already have, and develop a comprehensive strategy for building the strongest possible appeal. In many cases, supplemental evidence will be added to the appeal. For example, if your SSDI claim was denied for medical reasons, you will likely need additional medical records to support your appeal.

Submit a Request for Reconsideration (60 Days) 

In Arkansas, the initial step in the Social Security disability appeals process is a request for reconsideration. This stage of the appeals process involves a more senior-level reviewer at the SSA re-examining your claim with any additional supplemental evidence that you want to add to it. You have 60 days from the date listed on your SSDI denial letter to submit your request for reconsideration. Do not wait too long to file for your benefits.

Set Up a Free Consultation With an Arkansas Social Security Disability Attorney

At GCC Law Firm, our Arkansas Social Security disability lawyer goes above and beyond to help people maximize their benefits. Call us now or send us a message online to set up a free, no commitment case review. We provide Social Security disability representation throughout all of Northwest Arkansas, including in Fayetteville, Springdale, and Fort Smith.