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Common Questions Asked In Social Security Interviews

Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) helps offset lost income if you are unable to work due to an injury, illness, or ongoing medical condition expected to last a year or longer. Unfortunately, there are numerous hurdles you will need to face when applying for benefits. One of these is a Social Security interview. Our Rogers Social Security disability attorneys explain what to expect. 

Questions You Can Expect When Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits

Benefits available through the Social Security Administration (SSA) are based on your income and the number of work credits you have. You must have at least 40 credits, half of which were earned over the past ten years. You must also have a qualifying condition that is expected to last for a year or longer. 

Unfortunately, even once you meet these qualifications, your claim can still be denied. SSA Accountability Reports indicate roughly two-thirds of all claims are denied on the first application. This is often due to not providing the required information.

In addition to the documents you send to the SSA office, you must also undergo a disability interview. This is conducted either in person or via phone call. Here is some of what to expect: 

Questions About Your Living Situation

The interviewer will want to get basic information on your time at the current address, whether you own or rent, who else lives with you, and the total amount of household expenses. 

Questions About Your Finances

The interviewer will want proof of income, including that of household members. They will also need bank account balances, credit card or other debt amounts, and information on money in retirement accounts.

Questions About Your Medical Condition

While your disability should be thoroughly documented by medical records, the interviewer will want to hear your perspective. This includes information about your symptoms, medications, physical therapy, or other treatments, your prognosis for recovery, and how your condition impacts your daily life. This includes your ability to provide for yourself, perform household tasks, and enjoy your usual hobbies or activities. 

Questions About Your Job And Your Plans For Returning To Work

The interviewer will want to know the type of work you did, your years on the job, how your disability impacted your job performance over the years, and when you had to stop working. They will also want to know whether you plan to eventually return to work. 

None of the above are trick questions, but your answers will be scrutinized and could provide information used to deny your claim. 

Our Rogers, AR Social Security Disability Attorneys Are Here To Help

When going through the Social Security disability application process, it helps to have someone acting as a strong legal advocate on your side. At Gallo Cazort & Co. Law Firm, our Rogers Social Security disability attorneys are here to help and provide the trusted legal guidance you need when dealing with disability interviewers and other standard procedures. Call or contact our office online and request a consultation today.